送交者: apate 于 2005-1-17, 15:08:46:
回答: 所谓"人化自然" 没有考虑到技术并非万能,人类无法代替原始森林 由 fagus 于 2005-1-17, 14:49:12:
science may or may not be neutral, and technologies are less neutral, probably. doors and entrances are obstacles to those with disabilities if not provided with accessibility facilities. building dams help ease the energy shortage, but submerge and destroy on-ground villages and underground historical relics. computerized technologies (e.g., testing process in paper mills) improve the efficiency of work, but de-value human tacit knowledge (e.g., in the case of paper mills, the tacit knowledge of workers who used to the testing process themsevles intead of using computing techologies). file-sharing services help distribute information sources more widely and quickly, but may upset authoritarians who wished to control information or business leaders who wished to retain copy rights and generate revenues selling monopolized goods (e.g., music). industrialized agriculture allows Wal-Mart to have quality-consistent produces to sell, but may destroy small peasants in Latin America. also, giant retailers like Wal-Mart drive small retailing business (corner shops etc) to a virtual death in many small towns and rural areas and negatively affect the sense of community.
the list could go on and on and on...