Peng is way more than just me2


送交者: kma 于 2021-11-04, 09:18:19:

She is the 1st 1 , not just in China, but anywhere world, to touch the very top vip. She is pioneer, trailblazer. 1 day people look back they may want to put her name somewhere people will forever credit her courage.

Epstein scandal should have reveal much more about those most famous people in the world, yet he committed ‘suicide’. Most likely Andrew will get away. Views thought Kubrick was just a crazy old guy making eyes white open. But those bueautiful private small islands in Caribbean’s tell people there is more dirts to uncover.

Still remember Chandra Levy? I am a strong believer in conspiracies when it involves power or money.

Hopefully when people talk about peng, not just focus on cup, because it is way way more meaningful than just that. Hopefully more brave women will come out all over the world



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