送交者: jiangzhaiwai 于 2005-8-12, 23:45:47:
回答: 国内对敏感词的使用是双向的,国外的人也可以去体验一下 由 方舟子 于 2005-8-12, 23:21:04:
I did search on sina with 方舟 子. Note the space, so that it is searched as two words. The second item returned is:
《方舟在线》方周子/编著,北京理工大学出版,isbn:7-81045-702-0/z·11,定价:20.80元 内容简介: 网上风云人物方舟子将走下“数字化神坛”。国内第一本网络争鸣文集《方舟在线》,将在6月份由北京理工大学出...
www.wsjk.com.cn/gb/.../hwz34532.htm 2001-08-17 - 网页快照 收藏此网页
Note 方舟子 appears in the text. This proves that they are not doing filtering. They are simply excluding 方舟子 from the set of indexing keywords. This means sina must have a blacklist of words to not index on.