送交者: xj 于 2005-8-25, 11:30:26:
回答: I firmly believe history will prove 包产到户 is wrong 由 HunHunSheng 于 2005-8-25, 10:52:24:
In 1981-85, after the household responsibility system replaced the commune system, the agriculture output doubled if not tripled, which results a surplus of foods after centuries of deficiency. However, the weakness of household responsibility system emerges quickly.
1) peasants don't have land ownership. Practically peasants don't care about their land. They can't sell or buy lands. They don't invest on lands
2) Due to lack of ownership, the more kids you have, the larger land you can own.
3) over cultivation deplete the land resource
4) impede the technology development. There is no need of machine to do the small farming jobs.
5) most important, peasants are officially binded to the land
Historically speaking, HRS is a step back in agriculture development. The advantages of HRS are temporally. Within ten years, Chinese agriculture reached its peak. The maximum output from small plot lands reached.
However, that HRS is bad does not mean the commune system is good. the Commune system is just unrealistic. HRS returns to the system which used in China for thousands of years.
The right direction for agriculture, as proved in other industrilized countries, is privatelizating land. Through a free market system, the optimal size of land and right ownship will be formed. The cost and output will be optimized by forming large farming company as in the US.