送交者: silxirt 于 2005-8-30, 14:30:49:
回答: Need your help: Anyone ever delt with GC service? 由 silxirt 于 2005-8-30, 13:52:42:
It is collection company, somehow traffic court is using it to collect fines/bails, I ran into it because police gave me a ticket to fix a broken license plate light (which turned out to be functional well), I went to CHP to show the correction (it is correctable), and mailed the tichet with stamp from CHP, as well as $10 transaction fee. I thought the whole thing is over, until the GC service sent letter to collect money (the fine and bail) for traffic court. I then went to the court, settled a day in court, the judge asked me for profe of correction, I turned in the copy version of the stamped tichet, then the case is closed (with payment of $10 ,becuause the court did not receive my oritinal letter). Now the GC serice is still sending letter asking for money.