送交者: steven 于 2005-9-02, 13:34:26:
回答: 米国这次真是可笑得很。 由 秦州刺史 于 2005-9-02, 12:25:13:
I should say should not, many media make up numbers everyday. The American news report on Tsunami's victim number were based on the local government report, there weren't made up here in the editors' rooms. Currently, we don't know how many people die exactly, because there are thousands of people still trapped, and many unaccouted for. What is so funny about admitting things we don't know or things we cannot control? Would that make you feel better if Nagin, Blanco or Bush told lies with their straight faces about everything under control like the Chinese official did during SARS? Perhaps that would make you feel more like home.