I don't think you scientists will be able to defeat 风水.


送交者: skipper3 于 2005-9-27, 18:23:38:

It has been there for x000 years your effort is likely to be "futile".

But you still have an opportunity: general public don't really know the whole truth of 风水 practice. All they know is pieces of information about 风水. There is a high degree of ambiguouty surrounding what 风水 is. So my suggestion to you is to take over the definition of 风水. Here is the plan:

Phase one: you use this terminology as much as you can in your scientific study and KePu education. That way you creat more confusion. The goal is to make its definition even more ambiguous in this phase.

Phase two: sooner or later people will be fed up: what the heck are you talking about by saying 风水 anyway? By then this term has already been widely used by scholars in sociology, architecture, history, urban engineering... so you will be ready and there will be a need to clear the air and you have enough people behind you to define it in nonsuperstitious terms. It's "a creek is formed when water starts to flow".



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