送交者: skipper3 于 2005-9-27, 21:57:12:
回答: 自杀的事一直发生着 由 疫苗 于 2005-9-27, 21:14:16:
Everyone is blame the system. What's wrong with the system? The system is a copy from western system although it's less than ideal. I say the problem is this copy does not work well in the context of traditional chinese social environment.
The existing academic culture is completely individual based, that is the responsibility and reward is on individual basis and too a large degree it is individual winner takes all and individual loser loses all. But it is generally agreed that Chinese highly value social harmoney and don't like the idea of winner taking all. So when someone lost he not only sees his career ruined but also the otherwise more harmonic relationship between him and his living enviroment destroyed. In other words he loses much more than it appears to be: he lost everything outside his family. If the family isn't happy he basically had nothing left so what's point of living anymore? In western culture it would not be as bad: the relationship between a loser and his living environment would be less affected.
Now before one will blame Chinese tradition for not tolerating individual based academic culture, how about looking at possibility that not copying the western system? Why is it so important a scientific achievement has to be credited to individual's names? What about a team based academic culture similar to enterprise culture(where much more emphasis is on the team not on individual)? How about giving credit to a group without publicly identifying each memeber if things go well, and holding everyone in the group accountable if things go bad? That way when people have to go you let the entire group go so individual in the group will see his social harmony largely intact?