送交者: xj 于 2005-10-02, 17:49:56:
回答: 笑笑, Freeman Dyson has a review on a letter collection of Richard Feynman 由 mangolasi 于 2005-10-02, 17:26:53:
His graphs and so forth are meaningless and useless if he is not a NB winner (based on recent HUNHUN logic). If he is my teacher for a physics class, I will learn much less than from other teachers.
I am dismayed to see so many Chinese students paying lots of attention to Feyman's lecture. I never see any US colleges have used his lecture notes, and I believe his lecture notes and methods are not the blueprint for general physics textbook. Besides, he only taught that type of class once.
People tend to view stuff from genius as ingenous. In fact, very often it is not.
Any physics students can comment on Feyman's stuff?