送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2005-10-03, 11:17:08:
回答: 朱校长信佛没有错 由 乱劈材 于 2005-10-03, 11:05:39:
The Tibetans should form a revolt and asked the critic of Presidnet Zhu to apologize
When President Zhu commend Tibetan Buddism, the critic
laughed at Zhu, this show these arrogant Han-ren did not have any respect for Tibetans. The same people
also said Ms Wang's orgabnization was bad because they received support from Germany's Green Party and Germany's Green Party suppoirt Dalai Lama.
If Nu River Dam was really built, the local people
will get teh same fate as Tibetan people under
Deng Xiaoping's so-called economic development.\
Never believe and trust these Han-rens. Especially
those so-called scholars.