XJ, Chao-Yang Hospital is quite Ok


送交者: 大胖星 于 2005-10-05, 17:51:52:

but Huang's work is extremely questionable because he essentially did not have any control group to verify the efficacy of his treatments. And just like Prof. Hun, he also has very tight control of the clinical materials so that it is difficult for a independent outsider to look into the matter. I would suspect that most of the results he saw, if there is any, were from spontaneous recovery or placebo.

I was recently at a spinal cord injury meeting where a Niuren from Zurich gave a lecture on spinal cord repair. Among the lists of potential treatments, he listed Huang research which generate quite discussion. At the end, this guy just blink his eye, smiling quite ironically and said "look, I can't speak for him, but what I can tell you is that we did three cases according to the protocol and we did not see any effects". Everybody noded in agreement and case closed.

Haven't read the Nature article, so just some random thoughts.



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