送交者: skipper3 于 2005-10-14, 12:41:22:
回答: 海龟将更加的泛滥和贬值,国内对真正的高级人才需求有限 由 PW 于 2005-10-14, 10:08:04:
are talking about.
To begin with, you need to define what 高级人才 is. Mind you we are talking twi very different type of labor market heres. If you think a senior employee of American company is automatically qualified as 高级人才 for China you are very wrong.
But I can understand why you think this way. For decades, American way of doing business, the way of valuing an employee has being widely accepted by Chinese business and academic community. But things are changing. Chinese market has evolved. It has grown to a scale that conventioanl valuation process is not going to meet all the requirements. THis situation is having very subtle but profound impact to how companies, local and multinational, will fomulate their strategy. The most visible example is strategic marketing(not tactical or product marketing). For many years western companies have been using senior managers from corporate headquaters to do this job, and such functions are typically a affiliate to existing marketing department. But recent trend is more local managers are filling up these positions becasue they have much better understanding of the market. Although these people are still bept on a short leash, they nevertheless are granted more authority to make strategic decisions. I call these people are real 高级人才, although they are not necessarily educated in US or have an advanced degree etc. Now R&D is essentially a marketing function within a corporation. If the trend continues, there will be growing demand of well educated and skilled engioneers and scientists in the near future. But again, these people will not likely be from the same labor pool of the US market. They need to know how to do things in Chinese way to begin with. So HaiGui LiKe phds are not necessarily 高级人才 either.
A recent BW article pointed out the demand or senior managers who both have global experience and undertsand how to do business in Chinese way from China's private sector is exploding. The article used data from a international recruiting firm: China needs 75000 such people, while the current labor pool is only 5000. So you figure. The data also shows the salary range will be actually very high, even by American standard.
By the way, I don't think GM and VW examples are representative. In is a consensus, by both Chinese and American business community, joint venture is not a viable corporate structure. It will NEVER function in a way it intend to. The only one who loves it is the government. It is already a wonder of world taht JV in China of this scale actually can function for so many years. So lots of things taht are happening within SH GM and SH VW do not represent teh overall industry or market trend, not do they necessarily represent long term strategies of their parent companies.