送交者: BT 于 2005-10-18, 11:14:36:
回答: all I see are socioeconomic problems 由 xj 于 2005-10-17, 17:56:22:
1. Age: Don't assume younger women is the major issue. In fact working women postpone their pregnancy is even a bigger issue.
2. Smoking: White women has a high smoking rate compared to Asian, they are not poor at all.
3. alcohol: Drink alcohol during pregnancy because she is poor?
4. Unintended pregnancy: People get pregnant unintentionally because they are poor?
5. Culture: don't know what you are talking about.
6. obesity: people get obsess because they are poor? I have colleagues who are obviously obsess, they are not poor at all.
7. Unequal Care: what are you talking about?
Modern medicine can only do so much for infant mortality. When everyone gets basic care, other factors contribute more and more. For example higher rate of multi-baby, which is a result of clinic assistant used to get pregnant, is an important factor for the rise of infant mortality in resent years.