转个yu mm的电子邮件:为什么大量的中国学者做不出SCIENCE?


送交者: genevalley 于 2007-11-28, 18:30:28:

发信人: weq (weq), 信区: Zhejiang
标 题: 转个yu mm的电子邮件,转自诸暨日报陶朱论坛
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 28 18:24:06 2007)


Dear tiptoe:

Thank you for your interest in our work. As for your question, it is a very
complicated one. I
don't think any one has any definite answer to that. Similar situations have
been a very hot
topic in research community: is the person who actually comes up with the
idea and does the work
get the main credit, or the principle investigator who has the money and
runs the lab
get it. Each person should make their own judgement independent of the
media coverage as it
is highly biased both territorially and racialy. Personally I think some
people in China is making
too much fuss about it in my case. It was my work with some help from my
coauthors. However, this
work would be impossible without the utmost support from Jamie, who is the
investigator of the lab, since this whole project was extremely expensive,
and we interacted
intellectually throughout the whole project. There's no point in assigning
the credit for the
sake of science. So I would suggest you please leave this issue alone. Life
is better spent
doing something useful.

And if you do indeed go to see my parents, please send my regards. I simply
couldn't speak the
dialect, hence can not talk to them anymore.

Best wishes.

Junying Yu



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