

送交者: psycho 于 2005-10-27, 14:10:44:

回答: 这无头无尾的,思维不是一点点奔逸。:-) 由 瞎说两句 于 2005-10-27, 00:55:38:

Alas, "首先,卖淫合法助长了无耻之心。礼仪廉耻乃文化之根本。"

我当初用词不当,应该是“从事性工作合法化”(我讨厌用“卖淫”--因为已含贬义)--这是我的原意,不是“娼妓合法化”。我就是觉得围着“理论”兜圈无意义,才着重在社会的利益上。但你要和我说法理,我不证明“从事性工作合法化”的对,但你能有力的反驳以下的话吗?(Use English because I think it's more precise though it's not legal language)

1) "Making money with one's OWN endowment and effort, without causing visible and direct damage on another person, or doing so with immediate potential, should be legal."

2)"No punishment by the government, for example but not limted to, financial punishment or imprisoning, should take place without real damage on other people or institute having taken place, as a direct consequence of the punished person's action."--Now in China, prostitute are illegal, meaning that once caught, they will be imprisoned (even shortly).

"卖淫合法动摇了性和家庭的基石,造成性和家庭的分离。", please, the one reason I emphasize again and again is that many migrant workers had to leave home persitently for their jobs--many can not stay with their wife/husband for more than 2 weeks a year. This is the reason that make many people had to seperate sex and family (understandably). It's this seperation makes prostitute prevailing, not the other way around.

"卖淫女从长远看是属于受害者"--no, not at all. If this profession is their choice (with information that this is not a very esteemed profession), they are not victims. If they are forced, they are the victim of the people who forced them, not the legalization of sex industry (presumably chosen informedly by its workers).

"我们的社会还没有准备好接受全社会卖淫合法的观点。". Totally agree. And shame on this 社会--whose environment creates a lots of prostitute and which simultaneously makes prostitute illegal (in a sense of imprisonment once caught).

But again, though you might write better Chinese than me, your logics doesn't make you an even or worthy contestant to me. Slogan doesn't help. This is the last reply to you on this matter.



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