根据花花公子1988年对法特的专访,他是白手起家, 很会理财


送交者: 田牛 于 2004-12-25, 00:54:48:

回答: 你要知道,其中有一部分钱是家族的私有财产. 由 特立独行 于 2004-12-24, 23:08:32:

403期 SEP 1988 Yasir Arafat

PLAYBOY: When was that?
ARAFAt: The last vacation I had was in 1963. I went to Venice. As I said, I was very rich.
ABU SHARIF: He was a millionaire.
ARAFAT: Yes, I was well on the way to being a millionaire. I used to go through Lebanon, then to Europe. Lebanon was just a stop on the way then.
[Smiles ruefully] I used to go there to shop.

PLAYBOY: That was truly a long time ago. We'll return to Lebanon, but how did you happen to become rich?
ARAFAT: After I received my degree in civil engineering from Cairo University, I worked for two years in Egypt. Then I went to Kuwait. I was there for about eight years. I worked for the Kuwaiti government for a year, and then I started my own company with some partners.

PLAYBOY: What sort of company-engineering consultants?
ARAFAT: No! I was a contractor. We built roads, highways, bridges. Large construction projects.

PLAYBOY: You were a capitalist, then?
ARAFAT: During that period, yes. I had four cars. Nobody believes that, but I did. [Smiling] I had Chevrolets, and I had a Thunderbird and a Volkswagen.
But I gave them all away when I left Kuwait to rejoin our struggle. All but one-the Volkswagen. I kept that to drive to Lebanon when I rejoined the struggle.

PLAYBOY: Somehow, it's difficult to imagine Yasir Arafat jumping into a
Volkswagen to drive across the desert to Lebanon.
ARAFAT: [Laughs] It's true. I gave all my wealth to the revolution, The cars
I gave to my partners, except, as I said, the Volkswagen. I used it to drive
between Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. And later on, to Egypt.



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