Sick of it.


送交者: cornbug 于 2005-11-04, 22:00:58:

From: The Society for Neuroscience

Attendee Bulletin
(5 items)

1. Important Security Notice for "Dialogues" Series Lecture

Saturday, November 12, the Dalai Lama will give the inaugural lecture of the "Dialogues between Neuroscience and Society" series with an hour-long talk with questions on the neuroscience of meditation in Hall D of the Washington Convention Center beginning at 4:15 p.m.

Seating in Hall D will begin on a first-come, first-served basis starting at approximately 3 p.m. Seating is limited to the first 7,500 attendees. Special security procedures will be in effect, as directed by the U.S. State Department Office of Diplomatic Security, which provides security for the Dalai Lama when he is in the United States. We have been advised that each registrant attending the lecture will have to be screened by walking through a metal detector prior to entering Hall D, and will have to remove metal objects from their pockets and bags prior to passing through the metal detector.

There will not be an on-site bag check location in the convention center, so you will have to carry all of your belongings with you. Please be advised that if you bring your laptop, special screening procedures will be in place that will dramatically slow down the security screening process. The escalators on the east side of the Grand Lobby will be for attendees with laptops only - designated by a sign at the bottom of the escalator. After screening, individuals with laptops will enter into the rear of Hall D and may only sit in a designated area of the room. The escalators on the west side of the Grand Lobby will be for attendees without laptops - indicated by a sign located at the bottom of that escalator. After being screened, individuals without laptops will enter Hall D and be seated in the front of the room.

Note: The lecture will also be telecast to Ballrooms A B & C located on Level 3, where registrants will be asked only to show their badge for entrance (no additional security screening will be required to view the telecast).

For security reasons, the State Department asks that you not approach the podium or the microphones during the lecture. Those attendees in Hall D will be given cards when passing through the security check. You may write questions on the cards during the lecture, and pass them to the aisle. SfN staff members will be moving up and down the aisles, and will bring your questions to the front where SfN moderators will select from questions submitted and pose them to the Dalai Lama. Unfortunately, attendees viewing the lecture in other locations will not have the opportunity to submit questions.

For those registering on-site, please try to complete your registration early in the day on Saturday. Beginning at 2 p.m., traffic flow within the convention center will change in preparation for the lecture. After 2 p.m., access to Hall E, where registration is located, will be limited. In order to reach the registration area, attendees will have to go down the escalator in the Grand Lobby, walk the length of the convention center on the Concourse Level, and go up the escalator at the end into Hall E. Or, use the escalator across from Room 155. These routes must then be reversed in order to get into the security line.

Cell phones must be turned off and may not be used inside the lecture room. As in all SfN sessions, photography, video filming, tape recording, and all other forms of recording are prohibited. Personal bags are subject to search. Badges are required to attend this lecture.



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