送交者: feelslikespring 于 2005-11-18, 10:41:39:
回答: 在美国盗信用卡,在国内当教授 zt 由 海归大潮成为时尚2 于 2005-11-18, 00:17:14:
In 1999, a University of Akron professor stole the identity of Dorothy Pearcy of Uniontown by nabbing her mail. The professor, Dongwei Su, ran up $11,000 in charges on a credit card that had been mailed to his home, which Pearcy previously owned. "It was a huge shock to find out that someone could do this so easily," Pearcy's husband, James, said.
from http://www.rbs-kc.com/rbs-kc/alert.aspx