I agree competition is everything.


送交者: 匆匆过客 于 2005-1-31, 20:58:16:

回答: To 匆匆过客, xj. JZ, skipp3....  由 Latino2 于 2005-1-31, 16:46:19:

But I have some reservations about the following items:

1。)欧洲各国所以能在15.6世纪出现独立的大学就很说明问题。Establishing educational institutions is not the key. It is about teaching what.
As a matter of fact, Chinese had been good at establishing institutions and at least in Year 1, China had national educational institutions.

2。)"古代欧洲的文化多元程度(即使将教会的因素考虑在内),仍然远比古代中国高。" Chinese culture is so diversified. I don't think anybody can deny that. And I'd like to go one step further and claim that Chinese culture is just as diversified as, if not more than, european culture. Of course in China the dominating one is 儒家那一套, just as Christianality in Europe。

China was/is such a big country, effective governance, and thus establishing a common value system/ideology guiding people's social behaviours to assure social stablity had always been rulers' number one concern. 仁 looked really good on paper and could be easily accepted by peoples thus Confucianism was used. Everyone played that one. It hadn't "Galileo" kind of incidents so not so many people doubted it. And lack of competition from outside world made people unable to realise the comformity to Confucianism was a bad thing to do(even though there were lots of skirmishes/wars happening around the country's border area, but they had rarely imposed fatal thread to the mid-kingdom so basically there had been little competition from the outside world.)

When things break from inside, people tend to repair it by "缝缝补补". It is a totally different story when things break from outside. We need a revolution. (fagus 一把 )From this sense, I think 毛 was a traitor. 整一个宋江。



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