送交者: skipper3 于 2005-2-02, 12:44:28:
回答: 此贴站得高,看得远,特此一顶。 由 jxh 于 2005-2-02, 12:27:00:
You invest in it. It takes $X/year for Y years to get where you want. The total cost is enormous. Say in US they started to spend at a pace of $100B/year in basic research and funding universities in 1950. By 1970 they established a fair, efficient and productive system. The total cost of this system is the sum of all investments plus interests.
Now you want China to reach the level where US was in 1970, in 5 years. You need this over 5 years: $100B*20, plus all accumulated interests from 1950 to 1970, plus all accumulated interests from 1970 to present, less the value of existing system in china. You do the maths. This does not include the cost of social and political reform required to implement such system. Nothing is cheap. So be realistic. If you want to make a contribution, do it. Talk is not worth anything.