送交者: datu 于 2005-2-01, 20:39:02:
发信人: yl (yyll), 信区: USTC
标 题: Re: Count oneRe: 我来说两句吧. Re: 为杰出骗子潘建伟做一点
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Feb 1 17:15:59 2005)
I don't think anyone can deny Pan's academic achivements. But if the following
posts from XYS are correct, Pan's behavior is certainly cheating and should be
discouraged. It is a pity to see so many people are arguing for Pan by blindly
attacking Fang and XYS instead of showing facts to prove Fan is just wrong. As
A USTCer, I wish USTC could become the No.1 in China again by real academic
achievements from her faculty and students not by playing some dishonest games
which can be easily disclosed nowadays.
发信人: yl (yyll), 信区: USTC
标 题: Re: Count oneRe: 我来说两句吧. Re: 为杰出骗子潘建伟做一点
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Feb 1 18:00:14 2005) WWW-POST
I searched a few of Pan's papers from the web and found there is actually some
problem with Pan's authorship in those papers.It is
a common sense the author's institution in the paper should be the
one where he/she is working for and should be clearly distinguishable
from the communication address. For example, in one of Pan's paper
(arXiv:quant-ph/0412049), Pan listed two institutions(one in China, another in
Germany) for himself but in the acknowledge part all the funding supports were
from China. It seems that work was done completely in China, so he shouldn't
list the Germany institution in the author list but should list it somewhere
else if that's his communication address.
【 在 xjb (bb) 的大作中提到: 】
: you are just brainwashed by XYS. 如果是个男人,做错事, 说错话
: 就应当道歉。
: 可XYS泼了那么多脏水(比如,什么Nobel Prize, cheat on prizes,
: 第二作者的文章不能算拉),
: 也没见当事人出来承认错误。
: 他FZZ可是连第三,四作者的文章都算做自己的。
: 关于这篇文章,好几个已经反驳过了。
发信人: yl (yyll), 信区: USTC
标 题: Re: Count oneRe: 我来说两句吧. Re: 为杰出骗子潘建伟做一点
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Feb 1 18:54:53 2005) WWW-POST
【 在 zhiyan (moonriver99) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我知道现在也不明白慎思的这句话“不敢在海外研究论文上署名中国科大”什么意思?
: 来他确实咬疯了。
: 一个人属两个地址的情况很多见。
This is only for a person who holds a joint position from two institutions.
Pan has been staying in academic field long enough
to know such common sense. Pan clearly holds two fulltime positions
but not a joint position from two institutions so it is not appropriate for
him to list two institutions in one paper if that work is only funded from one
institution. Now I tend to believe he was playing some game with his
authorship in publications. I would say it is actually quite dangerous to his
academic career since people may regard it as cheating behavior. Period.