送交者: 匆匆过客 于 2005-12-28, 01:02:55:
回答: 最后一改,重写了第一第二段,改了几个语法错,加了结论段 由 xj 于 2005-12-27, 23:38:52:
Humor me, here is how I'd do the opening:
To the Editor:
Re "Rule by Law: Seeking a Public Voice on China's 'Angry River'" by Jim Yardley (Dec. 26):
As one of the two scholars who "toured the Nu and attracted wide public attention by attacking the environmentalists" and someone who was interviewed for the article, I regret to see in it the factual inaccuracies that I had pointed out in my Dec. 7 email to Mr. Yardley in reply to his questions. But unfortunately, he chose to omit my corrections.
As stated in my email, ...