送交者: iPod 于 2008-08-13, 08:44:24:
1. 以前中国官方的网上记录显示何可欣、杨伊琳、江钰源年龄不足;
2. 一对教练老两口说看起来没那么大,邓琳琳才1米37,68磅,大概还在穿diaper。还听说有个小姑娘缺颗牙。
扭腰屎报现在只敢肯定地说中国队员的体重身高跟美国队不是一个档次,采访前金牌得主Dominique Dawes说“I think the U.S. women look healthy, not decrepit like some gymnasts used to look because of eating disorders and those type of things,” said Dominique Dawes, a former Olympic gold medalist for the United States. “It’s nice to see gymnasts finally looking like young women, not children.”
Looks are sometimes deceiving, said Dominique Dawes, who helped the U.S. win gold in the 1996 Games and is writing for Yahoo Sports. "Some gymnasts just look very, very young," she said.
美国队员Sacramone made the same point: They look pretty young, but I don't look 20, so I'm not one to judge.