归化的公民的国籍可以被取消,例子包括following examples in teh quoted Engklish texts
比较容易的是如果当初来美国办签证办绿卡办公民在申请表上撒谎了。最典型的是前纳粹。 如果办绿卡办公民的时候没有
Q10 Under what conditions can my citizenship be revoked?
A10 If your behavior is not well disposed to the good order and happiness
of the U.S. or if you concealed your wartime activities when applying
for visas to enter the U.S. after World War II. Also, for example you do
one of the following:
(a) Refusal to testify before a congressional committee regarding
alleged subversive activities within 10 years after becoming a
U.S. citizen.
(b) Establish permanent foreign residence within 1 year after becoming
a U.S. citizen
Note from Rich Wales, richw@yank.kitchener.on.ca
This provision was repealed on October 25, 1994, by
Public Law 103-416 (108 Stat. 4305). The old require-
ment that candidates for US citizenship must intend to
reside permanently in the US following naturalization
was also repealed by this same law.
(c) Membership in an outlawed organization within 5 years after becoming
a citizen.
Denaturalization proceedings may be instituted against you for (a)-(c).
[1] Nancy-Jo Merritt, "Understanding Immigration Law," Makai Publishing group,
Scottsdale, Arizona, 1993.