美中药协(大费城地区分会)年会 (May 15-16)


送交者: timmy 于 2009-05-10, 19:34:45:


发信人: pharmaabc (pharmaabc), 信区: Pharmaceutical
标 题: 美中药协(大费城地区分会)年会 (May 15-16)
关键字: '美中药协' '费城' '年会' 'May 15-16'
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 10 20:22:00 2009)

Present Challenges and Strategies for Biotechnology and
Pharmaceutical Industry

When: May 15 – 16, 2009

Where: The Learning Center , Temple University Ambler campus

Register Online: www.sapa-gp.org

Agenda: http://www.sapa-gp.org/conf9/program.pdf

Leaders from across biotech and pharma will gather next week for an
educational and inspiring two-day conference.

The conference will explore the big challenges facing our business, emerging
markets, the effects of mergers and acquisitions on pharma and the
innovative tactics that companies are using to thrive in these turbulent
economic times.

It's your chance to learn about the latest developments in our industry,
connect with other professionals and share great ideas.

Keynote speakers include:

Dr. Shiew-Mei Huang, president, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology
and Therapeutics
Mr. Rich Fante, president, Astra Zeneca U.S.
Mr. Mark Larsen, president, Asia Pacific and Global Nutrition, Wyeth
Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, president,Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Dr. Li Chen, chief scientific officer, Roche China .
The conference will include a career forum and job fair and a dinner
networking event.



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