Oops, 应该是丑爷爷自己喜欢,吼吼猴,hahaha...


送交者: ASH 于 2008-10-16, 08:32:57:

回答: 真是丑儿子自己喜欢。你没看见酱马啃的怪表情?53%观众认为八马赢了 由 ASH 于 2008-10-16, 08:28:01:

John McCain entered tonight’s debate needing to halt Barack Obama’s momentum and fundamentally change the dynamic of the race.Not only did he fail to achieve this goal, McCain dug himself an even deeper hole.Undecided voters watching the debate felt McCain gave a decidedly un-presidential performance, appearing rude, negative, and easily flustered – a stark contrast to Barack Obama’s cool, commanding presence.Obama was seen as the clear victor in the debate, and a group that was much more disposed to support McCain at the outset instead shifted decisively toward Obama (42 to 20 percent) after viewing the debate.



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