京华时报9月26日报道 据新华社电 中国航天员中心负责人告诉记者,神舟七号首次携带了中药上天,供航天员在飞行期间服用。
李勇枝说,空间运动病是空间失重环境引发的心血管功能失调、骨盐丢失、红细胞下降等反应,是健康人在不正常条件下的生理应激反应。对此,西医缺乏有效而无毒、副作用的手段,但中医以强身固本的原则来调理和用药,能够提高航天员的生理功能储备,让他们在特殊环境下的适应性和耐受性得到提高。 (本文来源:京华时报
韩媒:中药成中国宇航员“独家秘方”韩国《中央日报》24日文章 原题:中国宇航员健康状态最佳,其秘诀是“中药药丸”中国宇航中心(CAC)和比利时的鲁汶天主教大学在去年共同对宇航员返回地球后的身体状况做了检查。结果显示,中国宇航员的健康状态最佳。欧洲、俄国和美国的宇航员在返回地球后,脉搏、血压、心血管等身体机能都显示非正常状态,但是中国宇航员大部分都是正常的。香港《南华早报》9月22日引用了CAC医疗中心李勇枝主任的话,报道其秘诀在于中医学所强调的身体的“阴阳调和”。
Traditional medicine has radical impact on mainland's astronauts
South China Morning Post
In the second of a series ahead of the space launch this week, Stephen Chen looks at how traditional Chinese medicine is being used to keep astronauts healthy in space.
Working in outer space can take its toll on the human body.
Li Yongzhi , chief medical supervisor at the China Astronaut Centre, said health problems in space included - but were not limited to - dehydration, hyperhydration, dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, a decrease in bone calcium, immune system changes, anaemia and nervous breakdowns.
But mainland scientists are drawing on a wealth of traditional knowledge to minimise the impact of missions on astronauts - research that may soon benefit life on Earth.
Former US senator Jake Garn, who flew aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery in 1985, experienced the range of space-induced illness as a result of microgravity, space radiation and a confined environment, Dr Li said. Even with professionally trained astronauts, illness can sometimes jeopardise an entire mission.
"To prevent that from happening, we have traditional Chinese medicine," Dr Li said.
Joint research by the CAC and the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium found that Chinese astronauts returned to Earth healthier than their Russian and European counterparts.
"After a short period in space, the functioning of Chinese astronauts' cardiovascular nervous system has shown a very different pattern from that of Russian and European astronauts," the joint report said.
The study found that Chinese astronauts had more strength and could stand, sit and move around more easily after returning from space missions.
"The adaptability of their cardiovascular system is obviously better than that of their Russian and European counterparts who had gone through similar flight times," the report said.
Dr Li said Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, who spent five days in space during the Shenzhou VI mission in 2005, also scored higher on health tests than many American astronauts. Comparisons revealed that the US astronauts pumped less blood with each heartbeat, and their hearts had to beat faster upon their return to Earth.
"The Chinese astronauts hardly showed any changes [in heartbeat] when they returned," Dr Li said.
She said much of the secret was in the traditional herbal medicine they had been taking, included a pill called Taikongyangxindan, or "space heart guardian", to be taken in case of a heart attack in microgravity. The pill is a combination of the root of a roadside herb known as Chinese foxglove; glossy privet seeds; the leaves of an aphrodisiac - short-horned epimedium; and some old, dry orange peel.
But Dr Li said the medicines' aim was prevention rather than cure.
Dr Li said astronauts were the fittest human beings, and their bodies were capable of handling most problems when they cropped up, as long as long-term preparation was done. And few other therapies met that need more effectively than traditional medicine.
"A lot of research has been carried out, but most of it is concentrated at the molecular level, trying to solve the problem by addressing an organ or a kind of cell," she said.
"But most of the time, sickness was not caused by just one factor. The Chinese medicine theory, therefore, takes a comprehensive approach by addressing the relation between the human body and the external natural and social environment.
"Formulas of Chinese medicine caused few side effects because they address the balance between yin and yang represented by each ingredient.
"Therefore, when they come together, they could achieve what western medicines, most of which work independently, cannot. We devise each formula to address multiple systems, layers and targets."
Dr Li is trained in western medicine and insisted the centre was not resistant to foreign techniques.
"We rely heavily on the methodology and facilities of modern medical science. But we are working with an open attitude to find out what works best," she said.
The centre's embrace of the traditional approach is not limited to medicine. Massage therapists and acupuncturists also keep astronauts in peak condition.
Dr Li said mainland space scientists had studied astronaut's health for more than 30 years, but the ultimate beneficiaries of the research would be people on Earth.
"People face an increasing number of underlying health problems similar to what astronauts encounter in space," she said. "We hope our research can eventually benefit the entire human race."
The space heart guardian will be available over the counter soon.