送交者: 吴礼 于 2005-3-07, 12:57:00:
回答: Too much dependency on skills impede development of sci and tech 由 HunHunSheng 于 2005-3-07, 11:05:33:
Sure one can develop something easy to use. But that costs money and manpower. If it does not increase the value of the product on the market, why do it?
It's a culture difference. In the West, if I don't know how to use something (open a bottle, run a program, set up a modem, etc.), it is the manufacturer's fault, and I will just go somewhere else to find a model I can manage. In China, if I don't know how to use something, it is my fault. I would either learn to use it, or find someone to help me.
Come to think of it, I am not sure who is more scientifically inclined...
Software is an different issue. Proper programming ensures easy maintenance, portability, scalability, etc. So it benefits the producer, not the customer. Maybe Chinese software firms will learn the lesson when they starts to develop the next generation of software.
By the way, maybe another reason is that the prevailing hardware platform in China is not as powerful as in the West. Therefore the software still needs to be resource-conservative.