J Neurosurg. 2006 Nov;105(5 Suppl):391-5.
The effects of detethering on the urodynamics profile in children with a tethered cord.
Hsieh MH, Perry V, Gupta N, Pearson C, Nguyen HT.
The effects of detethering on the urodynamics profile in children with a tethered cord in five (50%) of the 10 children with abnormal preoperative UDS results, the postoperative UDS demonstrated improved or normal urodynamics.
In one study of 17 patients who underwent detethering for urinary incontinence, the investigators found that only 58% experienced favorable outcomes
J Urol. 2007 Jan;177(1):331-4;
Urodynamic findings in children with myelomeningocele after untethering of the spinal cord.
Abrahamsson K, Olsson I, Sillén U.
After untethering secondary to myelomeningocele 35% of the patients experienced improved bladder function and 5% deteriorated.
<<中华泌尿外科杂志>>2004年 第25卷 第4期
作者: 蒋寿宁, 瞿创予, 姜观富, 缪皑驰, 卫中庆,
对20例TCS伴有上尿路积水患者进行去栓手术,观察比较手术前后膀胱剩余尿、肾和输尿管积水、肾皮质厚度及肾功能的变化. 结果膀胱剩余尿恢复正常5例,减少10例,总有效率83%.肾积水明显减少6例,轻度减少7例,无改变7例,总有效率65%.输尿管积水明显减少7例,好转4例,无变化7例,总有效率61%.肾皮质厚度明显增加5例,轻度增加2例,无改变13例,总有效率35%.肾功能中度尿毒症转为轻度2例,轻度转为正常4例,14例同术前正常.
肖传国: 对病人总是应该负责的
送交者: WWWW 于 2005-11-22 18:36:10