些不盈利的科普设施和场馆。 Fang has been waging war against fraud in scientific research and fake science on his website, New Threads. He argues that the "extrasensory perception fervor" in the 1980s and the "Fengshui craze" have wasted social resources and hindered the country's development.
"The essential reason is the lack of public scientific spirit," says Fang.
He says one of the goals of science popularization in China is to help advance the process of the country's modernization.
"A scientific sense should become the mainstream of the society if China wants to be modernized," he says.
But Fang disdains the approach to popular science taken by the Science Squirrels, who are aiming to create five "star writers" with the good looks and presentation skills needed for public promotions.
Fang says the Squirrels are making a mockery of science by being "too tolerant of fake science" and "not serious and not precise enough."
"In China, pseudoscience and superstition have a great influence, therefore, science popularization work should not only includes spreading the new (scientific knowledge), but also fighting against the fake," he says.
He argues that the public look down on popular science writers. "When scientists or researchers write popular science articles, people think they are incapable of real science work."
That attitude must be eradicated, he says, and he wants the government to encourage popular science with more facilities and free access.