Confusing language usage is a serious criticism


送交者: gyro 于 2009-10-05, 12:46:23:

回答: 你最新的博文-两种价值-俯读了,一笔糊涂账。至此,读过了你 由 @ 于 2009-10-05, 10:49:03:

The whole philosophy is divided into two communities because of related issues: the Anglo-American (analytical) philosophy and the Continental philosophy. The two communities usually don't talk to each other.

To put it differently, nowadays confusing language usage is by itself NOT a serious criticism of philosophy or even social sciences in general. It is a serious criticism at the beginning of 20th century. Those subjects have taken full account of this criticism and found ways to keep the discussion going. The way they do this, as I understand it, is to admit that philosophy is an art, as you said a few weeks ago. They are not afraid of admitting this because many philosophers (the postmodernists) go on to say that, apart from a few research areas, there is little that is not art.

I saw a title "What is analytical philosophy?" in the bookstore. I didn't read it. The author probably tries to de-construct analytical philosophy, maintains that there is no clear-cut line between confused language and unambiguous language.



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