

送交者: whatistruth 于 2009-11-17, 17:25:53:

回答: 那位能搞到肖传国这篇文章? 由 Yush 于 2009-11-17, 15:20:30:

By the end of 2004, a total of 92 SCI patients with hyper reflexic or acontractile bladder in our hospital have been treated with the somatic and autonomic reflex arc procedure and 81 of them regained bladder control one year postoperatively [25]. A NIH sponsored clinical trial of the somatic-autonomic reflex arc for micturition after SCI at New York University Medical Center has also produced similar satisfactory results for the first two SCI volunteers. Pre-operative urodynamic studies in both revealed neurogenic overactivity with urinary incontinence with detrusor sphincter dysynergia (DESD). At six months, a significant decrease in neurogenic overactivity on filling cystometry was observed. Also, L5 stimulation precipated detrusor contractions in both patients (range 5–52 cm H20). At last follow-up (15 months) L5 stimulation caused a detrusor contraction of 59 cm H20, a Q max of 8 cc/sec and no DESD. Voided volume was 150 cc and post-void residual was 200 cc's. Also, at 15 months, the patients have no need for anticholinergics or catheterizations. Bowel function questionnaire revealed significant improvement in one patient and no significant change in the other. The only complication related to this procedure was mild headache for three days post-operatively in one patient [26].

[25]     Xiao C.G., A somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure for neurogenic bladder and bowel: results on 92 patients with SCI and 110 children with spina bifida, Proceedings of the International Conference of Urology, Shanghai, July 2–4, Shanghai, China (2005),
[26]     Kelley C., et al. Creation of a somatic-autonomic reflex pathway for treatment of neurogenic bladder in patients with spinal cord injury: preliminary results of the first 2 USA Patients, J Urol, Volume: 173, (2005), p. 1132A



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