

送交者: DayaBay 于 2009-06-20, 12:12:18:

回答: 鸡换成鸟,翻译的就更贴切一些 由 龙灯 于 2009-06-20, 12:04:08:


"A guy goes to the ticket window of a movie theater with a chicken on his shoulder and asks for two tickets. The ticket lady asks who's going in with him, and the guys says, 'My pet chicken here.' 'Well, I'm sorry,' the woman tells him, 'but we don't allow animals in the movie theater.' So the guy goes around the corner and stuffs the chicken down his pants. He goes back to the window, buys his ticket, and goes into the theater. But once the movie begins, the chicken starts to get hot, so the guy unzips his pants so the chicken can stick his head out and get a little air. The woman sitting next to the guy in the movies sees this and is appalled. She nudges her friend and whispers, 'This guy next to me just unzipped his pants!' The friend whispers back, 'Ah, don't worry about it. You've seen one, you've seen them all.' And the woman says, 'I know. But this one's eating my popcorn!' "



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