<AB_CN>= 论文从哲学视角,以唯物史观,特别是马克思的“世界历史”思想和普遍交往理论为指导,对全球化现象和“民族国家悖论”进行了探索和思考。
“民族国家悖论”是论文着力探讨的中心议题。论文认为,全球化迄今为止的进程中所呈现的不平等和不平衡特征是“悖论”产生的实践基础;“西方中心论”基础上的极端全球主义和极端民族主义的形而上学思维方式及其二元对立是“悖论”产生的理论根源;“民族国家过时论”是“悖论”的理论表现 。
<TI_EN>=A philosophical perspective on the paradox of the nation-state in the global times
<AB_EN>=In the circumstance of globalization, the nation-state is now facing double challenges both in theory and practice: On one hand, the hyperglobalizers predict the demise of the nation-state on the face of globalization occur, alongside an awareness of the growth of transnational political institutions and norms. New images of world order speak of the emergence of the global citizen and a global civil society, stimulated once again by the corrosive effective effect of migration and global communications on nationalism and parochialism. On the other hand, various hypernationalizers refuse to recognize the national state they are from nowadays. They question its legality and want to go back to a world in which one ethnic group is an independent state to protect their political, economic benefit and their national culture value. It is the paradox of the nation-state.
This dissertation explores the phenomenon of globalization and “the paradox of nation-state” from historical materialism, especially Marx’s thought of world history and his theory of universal communications.
The paradox of nation-state is the central topic of this dissertation. This dissertation thinks that the inequity and unbalance in the process of globalization is the practical base on which this paradox is formed.
This dissertation traces back to the historical process of the category of nation-state. It affirms the active influence of the classical theory of western nationalism and criticizes the western-centered feature of this kind of theory.
This dissertation exposes the theoretical challenge and practical dilemma which nation-state is facing in the times of globalization. It argues that globalization is an umbrella term for a number of processes, political and cultural as well as economic, involving in different aspects of social changes and loading in a variety of directions.
This dissertation predicts that nation-state will not be out-state in the future that we can imagine, though it need a radical reform in the way it works .