The way 007 worked out this example is misleading


送交者: gyro 于 2009-07-27, 10:47:22:

回答: 这个例子只是教科书的启发性演示。真正的宏观和微观的差距,无法用这个例子来说明。 由 Caricaturist 于 2009-07-27, 10:28:52:

The classical limit is retained in QM by construction in a very general way. If the problem is determined to be a classical one, the physicist never solves the problem in a genuine quantum-mechanical manner, then draws the classical conclusion from the complete quantum-mechanical solution.

In the case of many-body problem, the equation for the center-of-mass wave function can be separated from the rest, which again quickly reduces to the classical limit. But all of these are by construction.



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