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送交者: Yush 于 2009-07-27, 10:50:30:

回答: 查了一下文献,就中国科学家克隆鼠的工作, 简要说一下前前后后的事情。 由 xinlihuaxys 于 2009-07-27, 01:15:02:

1. 中国两小组论文分别发表在Nature和Cell Stem Cell
2. 从以下介绍来看,中国两小组的最主要的贡献不在于用于转化为iPS细胞的来源(成年鼠的皮肤细胞)与以前的研究不同,而在于“将iPS细胞注射进四倍体的小鼠早期胚胎(没有进一步发育能力,仅提供营养环境的胚胎)”并发育成活体小鼠,从而更进一步验证了iPS细胞的多能性。

they then created a 'tetraploid' embryo by fusing two cells of an early-stage fertilized embryo. A tetraploid embryo develops a placenta and other cells necessary for development, but not the embryonic cells that would become the body. It is, in essence, a car without a driver.

When implanted into these embryos, the iPS cells began to steer development. The developing embryo was transferred to a surrogate mother, and 20 days later a mouse was born.
Rudolf Jaenisch, a cloning expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, had tried to do the same experiment in 2007, but didn't succeed in getting beyond late-stage embryos4. "There were two possible explanations" for his team's failure, he says. "Either iPS cells aren't pluripotent so it was impossible, or we just hadn't tried hard enough. The first would have been more interesting, but I assumed it was the second explanation."

The Chinese team tried harder...




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