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送交者: 妖魔 于 2005-3-10, 17:57:41:

回答: zz:可能的剽窃文章 由 BerkeleyWolf 于 2005-3-10, 16:52:34:



Message Passing Interface (MPI) has already become a standard of the communication library for distributed-memory computing systems. Since the release of the new versions of MPI specification, several MPI implementations have been made public available. Different implementations employ different approaches. It is critical to selecting an appropriate MPI implementation for message passing based applications, because the performance of communication is extremely crucial to these applications. Our study is intended to provide a guideline on how to submit a task and how to perform such a task, economically and effectively, on workstation clusters in high performance computing. We investigate several MPI aspects including its implementations, supporting hardware environment and derived data-type, which affect the communication performance. In the end, our results point out the strength and weakness of different implementations on our experimental system.


Message Passing Interface (MPI) is an attempt to standardize the communication library for distributed-memory computing systems. Since the release of the recent MPI specification, several MPI implementations have been made publicly available. Different implementations employ different approaches, and thus, the performance of each implementation may vary. Since the performance of communication is extremely crucial to message-passing based applications, selecting an appropriate MPI implementation becomes critical. Our study is intended to provide a guideline on how to perform such a task on workstation clusters which are known to be an economical and effective platform in high performance computing. We investigate several MPI aspects including its functionalities and performance. Our results also point out the strength and weakness of each implementation on our experimental system.



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