No, eddie. It may be a disgrace to Obama when he


送交者: tom_cat 于 2010-03-17, 10:59:59:

回答: The process of selecting Sotomayor is a disgrace to democracy 由 eddie 于 2010-03-17, 10:24:21:

criticizing the decision of supreme court in his state of union address, but there is nothing wrong in the selection of Sotomayor.

Rehnquist once told Charlie Rose that his early experience and childhood education definitely played into his view of the world and politics, there is nothing wrong with that. And it is not wrong to take that into consideration when you select a justice.

That is exactly where we should be in the ethic/race issue in politics, community development rather than special interest.

To even think or hint that Sotomayor will rule based on her ethic/racial identity is a disgrace to your own intelligence.



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