The transformation of Lang Xianping


送交者: 潜伏九号 于 2010-03-29, 09:35:39:

He started out as an economist, advocating for grassroots benefit, against the established business interest.

Because of that he became famous, and was invited to speak all over the nation, commanding a towering speech fee of 100000 RMB per occurrence, reportedly the highest in China.

That's when his own vested interest made him to think that he knows everything, he can comment on everything, and audience will pay everything in his speech.

He is not stupid. It is greed, as long as 1 00k is paid he is willing to say anything unconventional to shock and impress the media and public.

A fighter against the vested business interest, becomes fighter for his own vested business interest. What a sad story!



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