how about grow youself


送交者: kma 于 2010-04-13, 13:16:42:

回答: 华人超市里韭菜突然断货是不是和国内毒韭菜有关? 由 SJB 于 2010-04-13, 12:25:48:

even if you live in apartment, as long as you can find some sunny area (no need of bright sun), they grow happily in pot.

garlic chive is almost care-free, once it started growth. and under most climates it won't die during the winter, just take a break. cut and grow again, just like lawn grass.

the only tricky issue is difficulty on starting from seeds, because they have short expiration time, seeds stored after more than 1 year are as good as nothing.

the best way is getting some roots from friends who already grow a lot.



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