

送交者: catfish 于 2010-05-11, 14:24:03:

两个经济学的学生走在路上,看到路边有一坨屎,A对B说:你把这坨屎吃了,我就给你5000万。为了钱B就毫不犹豫的吃了这坨屎,A爽快给了B一张 5000万的支票。
导师激动的喊道:天哪!知道吗?你们刚才做 了什么!
Two students studying economics, walking on a road, saw a piece of shit. Student A said to Student B, “if you eat this piece of shit, I will pay you 50 million Yuan.” Ok---B ate the shit with no hesitation at all---So A immediately paid to B 50-million a check.
They kept walking, but an odd issue came to them. A thought,” as he ate a piece of shit, I had to give him 50million Yuan, not really worth it. ” At same time, B was yet thinking,” I ate a piece of shit, only getting 50 million, not really worth it.”
Out of blue, another piece of shit occurred sidewalk. Then B said to A with a revenge mind, “if you eat the shit, I will return back your 50 million.” A saw an opportunity to offset his loss and therefore ate it without any hesitating.
When the two, however, thought of the whole thing, they felt something was wrong---They did not get any, but each eating one shit. So they went to their economic-teaching professor and told him the event.
The professor yelled, after listening to them, “My god! Do you guys know? What did you just do! ”
Being regrettable, the two answered, “We each ate one shit. “
The professor interrupted them, “No, with the blink of an eye, you generated a 100- million GDP—what a miracle! As we propagate this technique in whole country, our country will be growing richer. “
No long later, the relevant authority announced that the country has almost reached to a middle-class level. And this professor became a member of National Academy of economics accordingly.



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