Google下令周五不 capture street view


送交者: SJB 于 2010-06-11, 14:24:50:

Google Street View Captures Couple's First Dry Hump
There's no more magical moment than when young love blooms: eyes meet, a gentle caress. And then comes all the awkward face-sucking and groping. That's the part the Google Street View camera caught recently in Wolverhampton, England.

The couple—Eddie Bateman and his girlfriend Hayley Moss—was understandably surprised to discover their first kiss on the internet, especially since it looks distinctly like a bit more than a kiss. Hayley's take:

"I couldn't believe it, I wouldn't admit to it being me at first, as I was worried it looked quite bad, as it looks more than it is, but it really was just a kiss."
The image has since been removed by Google. Which is a shame, since what recently dating high school couple wouldn't want such a permanent, public memento of that heavenly first snog? [news via the next web]



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