

送交者: gadfly 于 2009-11-26, 23:31:11:

回答: 这么热闹,那我就来试一下2.1 由 gadfly 于 2009-11-26, 13:42:25:

  Who is Going to Tackle the Medical Gray Area?
  (or: Unproven Treatment, a Medical Gray Area)
  --An Investigation of Xiao's Reflex Arc Procedure

  November 11, 2009 China News Weekly Cover Story

  On the one hand it is a research project of "National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development", on the other hand it is a promotional marketing strategy pursued by a private hospital; A panel of experts, including several academicians, concluded that the research has reached "the international advanced level". However, it has received vague feedback from other peers, who remain unwilling to adopt the surgical technique. In contrast with the 85% success rate claimed by the specialist hospital, the majority of patients complained of ineffective treatment, some even brought up lawsuits. As a new medical treatment, over the years "Xiao's Reflex Arc" and its clinical applications have been treading in the gray areas of medical treatment, with little acceptance among clinicians in the country. In the era of rapid commercialization of new medical technologies, the embarrassment it's now facing reflects the urgency of enacting laws that regulate exploratory medical practices in China.

  The lawsuit has struck a nerve.

  The dissolved private hospital is now being taken to court, which raises the question for the inventor of this surgury, a self-claimed "would-be Nobel Prize Winner".

  Reporter / CAI Ru-peng

  On November 10, 2009, Henan Erqi District Court formally accepted the case against the Shenyuan Urology Hospital of Henan (hereinafter referred to as the Shenyuan Hospital), filed by the mothers of two children with spina bifida. In the complaint, they said that their children underwent surgeries at this hospital for the treatment of incontinence, but their conditions have not improved. From what they have learned, among the children who were hospitalized over the same period, there was no case of complete cure. Nonethless, the hospital had been advertising "85% of success rate" for the treatment. What makes it even harder to accept is that the surgery leads to serious complications: the atrophy and deformation of their left legs.

  So far, about 1,500 patients had received this surgery at the Shenyuan Hospital.

  ... ...

  Zou Ying-li, who is from Jiaozuo, Henan, said that in 2006 she watched on television and learned in newspapers that "there was a hospital in Zhengzhou specialized in this disease. As soon as I heard their breakthrough, I came to them immediately."


  In the Shenyuan Hospital, President Gao Xiao-qun told her that this operation is called "artificial somatic-central nervous system-autonomic reflex pathway", specifically designed for the treatment of incontinence due to spina bifida". "I was told that 'the situation will improve after a few months. One or two years later, your child will be able to gain bladder and bowel control independently. The success rate is 85% or higher'. I was so happy to hear that", Zou Ying-li said. She recalled Gao Xiao-qun specifically cited the success story of Little Shanshan of Hainan, which had been widely reported by the media, "I was thinking, since it had been on TV and in the news, how could this be fake?"

  On November 17, 2006, Her son Guo Zi-long received the same surgery as Little Shanshan.

  After the surgery, Guo's condition has not improved. Zou Ying-li said that she called the hospital many times, "In the beginning, they asked me to be patient becasue the nerve grows slowly. Later they let me bring my child for reviewing. After the review, they said, 'yes, yes, your child has recovered very well. The nerves have grown together, just wait for a few more months'. Now three years have passed, there is no effect at all."

  Zou Ying-li had asked Mr. Gao Xiao-qun, "Why is it not effective?" Gao Xiao-qun answered, "A lot of people are cured. I am sorry it has no effect on you son." At first, she just choose to believe that "my son had a bad luck to be in the group of unsuccessful 15 persent". Only after contacting more patients did she realize, "there is not a single case of cure."

  In Henan, reporters have also located the parents of eight more children, who also had operations in the Shenyuan Hospital in 2006. None of them has seen any improvement. Some relatives complained that the legs of the children appeared abnormal after the surgery. Liu Chun-hong (a pseudonym), who lives in Zhoukou, Henan, said that her brother's legs were normal before, but his left leg began to shrink after the surgery and it's now significantly smaller than the right one, "He used to be a fast runner. Now you can see his lame walk from afar. The limping will be more obvious if he runs. His classmates all laugh at him."

  ... ...
  Founded in August 2006, the Shenyuan Hospital was a private specialist hospital. On its website, it was introduced as a hospital "intented mainly for the promotion of 'Artificial Somatic-Visceral Nerve Reflex Arc' technology and its clinical implementations."

  Before the National Day, China News Weekly reporter went to the Shenyuan Hospital, only to find the hospital empty. A notice at the door wrote, "The hospital was dissolved on August 17, 2009. No more admissions of patients".



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