nonphysics hijacked broad debate--Yes;


送交者: Amsel 于 2009-12-28, 17:17:23:

回答: nonphysics hijacked broad debate 由 qianfu 于 2009-12-28, 17:10:22:

Cannot refute Nor prove Gw hypotheses--Yes to some extent; if you said "AGW" as in the text, then it is absolutely yes;

Too early to judge facts trend--Yes;

Science not a voting issue--Yes;

Politicians, economists, professional protesters, even businessmen take too much vested interests--Yes; you can have dozens of examples;

This issue not solvable at copenhagen type game theoretical negotiations. Rather, big countries like us and china may work toward good end for their own interests.--Did Fang mention that? it's already shown though.



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