送交者: boxer 于 2005-4-04, 12:27:02:
回答: 美国屠杀印第安人的大谎言 由 炎阳 于 2005-4-04, 09:56:10:
灭亡、迁徙、同化 is happening. Of course, native Americans are not saints, however, this doesn't cover the fact that 白人 did commit a crime.
个人以为在谈判失败或破裂以及谈判的一方不遵守协约的前提下, 美国人倾向于以暴易暴.
美国是一个移民国家, 社会鼓励合法和公平竞争,不容忍"foul play”. The penalty to unfair play is very serious. On the contrary, Native americans did not understand the mechasim of how the society is running. 当他们处于竞争劣势的时候,没有采用正当的方法保护自己,反而一错再错.
I used to live in a small town in east coast area. The native amercians in that area are totally gone. They used to 偷袭白人 whenever they had chances for food or just hatred. Everytime they succeeded, they faced a far worse retaliation. At last, even the local government tried everything to protect them, they were still totally killed by peole who lost relatives by their 偷袭.