F-14 从来没有过教练机,我举的例子不好。其他的如16有。


送交者: timliang 于 2010-09-17, 15:29:11:

Does the F-14 Tomcat have a dual control trainer version?
- question from name withheld

No trainer version of the F-14 was ever built. Although the F-14 is a two-seat fighter, it cannot be flown from the aft seat. Pilot training consists of many hours in trainer aircraft such as the T-34, T-2, and T-45 as well as in ground-based F-14 simulators. However, the first time a pilot flies the Tomcat, it is a standard, full-up aircraft just like what is used by the fleet. In the words of one F-14 pilot, "Before flight simulators, they just got into the air and figured it out."
- answer by Greg Alexander, 13 April 2003



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