

送交者: jxh 于 2010-09-25, 18:59:48:

回答: 报告:science上我方的评论都出来了。版主也写了个 由 lightman 于 2010-09-25, 18:32:36:

有个叫 Raymond, 是个administrator。

Raymond M. Yi
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[this user is an administrator] Raymond M. Yi
Before the two attacks, Dr. Xiao was a chief scientist working for the Chinese government program (973 Project). Mr. Fang is a freelance writer who uses his U.S. based "New Thread" website to exposing scientific fraud and corruption. Somehow, people get this idea in their heads that the Chinese police framed their chief scientist just to appease two Fangs. Has China all of sudden become a heaven for whistleblowers?

Last time I checked "New Thread" website was still blocked in China.



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