

送交者: 田牛 于 2010-07-17, 23:36:43:

回答: 沈阳理工大学巴俊宇教授美国国际大学博士学位证书 由 drtom 于 2010-07-17, 20:57:18:

However, in her explanations as to why the NY school would not recognize those WAUC accredited courses, the registrar at the NY school directly accused WAUC of being “a fraudulent organization”. In response to this implication that my degrees were not ethically valid, I immediately set about the task of proving the merits of my degrees, and of the inherent professionalism of WAUC. Writing to Dr. Maxine Asher as president of WAUC, I was pleased to receive an initial stout (albeit generic) rebuttal of the charges, but despite repeated requests for a clarification on three specific points relating to the implementation of WAUC accreditation standards for member schools, could not secure a satisfactory response from Dr. Asher.

Although I continually and cordially affirmed my support for the principles of non-traditional education, and explained at length that I needed the information to combat the apparently slanderous allegations made by my former NY University, I was met with increasing evasiveness and disdain from Dr. Asher, which to my dismay, eventually descended into personal rudeness. Despite twelve such requests over a six-week period, promised information was never sent, and I was redirected time and again to sources that either did not reply, or sent inadequate or inappropriate responses.

First bewildered and then offended by her lack of forthrightness, I eventually realized that Dr. Asher had no intention of addressing the issues in a frank and honest manner. I then decided to investigate the accusations of fraud for myself. The following is a brief summary of my findings.




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