ZT 香港回歸交接儀式~~


送交者: 伊犁 于 2010-08-07, 03:40:59:

回答: 呵呵~~好奇怪~~我搜索的结果和您的不一样~~ 由 伊犁 于 2010-08-07, 01:51:35:



sasalove2a1 | February 08, 2009

香港始終有你 Hong Kong Because you are here


香港回归 香港回歸 Hong Kong Handover Ceremony 1997
Transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong
香港政權交接儀式 視頻
香港政权交接仪式 视频



英國撤離 British Retreat 1997
英國撤離 British Retreat 1997
Hong Kong Handover
Chris Patten Prince Charles
Highland Cathedral 高地大教堂
Anthems: God Save the Queen and March of the Volunteers 义勇军进行曲 義勇軍進行曲
香港交接儀式 Hong Kong Handover Ceremony 1997

The transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to China, often referred to as "The Handover", occurred on July 1, 1997. The event marked the end of British rule, and the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong to Chinese rule.

The handover ceremony was held at the new wing of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai on the night of 30 June 1997. The principal British guest was The Prince of Wales who read a farewell speech on behalf of the Queen. The newly elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, and the departing Hong Kong governor Chris Patten also attended. Representing China were the President of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Zemin; and Tung Chee-hwa, the first Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. This event was broadcast on several television and radio stations across the world.

The handover ceremony of Hong Kong in 1997 officially marked the transfer of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China. It was an internationally televised event with the ceremony held on the night of June 30, 1997 at the new wing of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) in Wan Chai.


英國對香港的管治源於第一次鴉片戰爭,當時清朝戰敗後於1842年簽訂的《南京條約》 ,將香港島割讓給英國。1860年,清朝再於第二次鴉片戰爭被英法聯軍打敗,簽訂《北 京條約》將九龍半島界限街以南部份割讓交由英國管治。1898年,清朝與英國簽訂《展拓香港界址專條》,租借新界99年,至1997年6月30日期滿。这三个條約均为不平等条约。该三条约決定了今日香港的範圍。1982年起,中华人民共和国和英国政府開始 舉行談判香港前途問題,最後在1984年簽訂《中英聯合聲明》,決定1997年7月1日起,中華人民共和國將成立香港特別行政區,對香港島、界限街以南的九龍半島、新界等一切曾由英國管治的土地,恢复行使主权。

雖然《南京條約》與《北京條約》皆明文寫道香港島與界限街以南的九龍永久割予英國,但 此舉未使兩地永久成為英國屬地,而是連同新界一併交返中國。香港島、九龍少有平地,水食等物資多由新界或中國大陸供應,難以自給自足。 而香港也並沒有因三條條約的分別而妨礙她的整體發展。因此,英國難以不把整個香港交還;而英國政府在確定香港主權將移交中國後,也只有極力爭取維持在香港的利益。

大部份香港市民在中英兩國開始詳細談判之前,鮮有考慮香港主權的前途問題。[來源請求 ]其實自20世紀70年代初起,政府在籌劃地下鐵路、新機場等大型基建項目時,因為投 資回報期需要接近30年而跨越1997年,當時在向國際籌集資金時已受香港政治前途不 明的影響。

上船前的那一歌(Now is the Hour)

Now is the hour
When we must say goodbye.
Soon you'll be sailing
Far across the sea.
While you're away
Oh, then, remember me.
When you return
You'll find me waiting here



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