Steven, did Chinese say they invented Atomic bomb without


送交者: AQuestion 于 2010-08-09, 13:42:44:

learning from the western/USSR?

being “自力更生”means they do not learn from others?
Did China deny lots of the scientists were trained in the west and China did get some help from USSR?

"American didn't steal, everyone knows, and recorded in history that ex-Nazi scientists and technicians heavily involved in American space and missile program." What is your logic? Just because everyone knows so it's not stealing? Maybe it's recorded only at a later time after it's being revealed by others first? I am just trying to point out your faulty logic here. Maybe US didn't "steal" those technology from German, the Germany handled their technology to US at gun point. It's worse than stealing, it's robbery.

And yes, Nazi was very close to an atomic bomb, and Nazi's atomic bomb technology was very valuable to US at the time, and the same for German rocket technology.

And also, Einstein's E=mc^2 is surely more related to the invention of atomic bombs than Newtons second law.



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